Our Email Management System (EMS) allows you to manage your company email accounts by creating multiple email addresses with the ability to reset passwords.
Why use a company email account:
It is more secure.
It creates a more professional image when interacting
with clients through email.
It provides a better monitoring and tracking of all emails
received and sent out of the organization.
It allows better management of your organizations’
confidential information
We provide you with an e-mail address and 5 Gig storage space for incoming e-mails in the same way that Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail works. You can access and send your emails from any computer connected to the Internet with a web-browser. Unlike Hotmail or Yahoo!, you can access your emails from home or work using programs like Outlook Express, Eudora, Netscape Messenger, etc using POP3 through eJam.biz. You can also receive an E-mail alert on your mobile phone (mobile phones must have e-mail compatibility; otherwise check your phone service provider).